

Understanding documents instead of memorizing them.

Instant. High quality. Automated.

Automate receipts

15 good reasons for Blu Delta AI

  • Capture more receipts

  • Fully automated

  • Line items covered

  • Optimize your process

  • No setup required

  • High recognition rates

  • Belege automatisieren

  • Mehr Belege erfassen

  • Invoice receipt

  • Reduce workforce stress

  • NextG AI

  • Professional Operations

  • ISMS process

  • GDPR compliant

  • Supported integration


BLU DELTA AI document and receipt capture

The latest BLU DELTA AI generation (BLU DELTA Typhon Net) turns your pixels (photo, scan, PDF) into valuable invoice and document information

The new AI capture technology combines contextual information, semantics and visual structures and achieves outstanding document and invoice capturing results even without an initial training.

Dokumentenklassifizierung: automatisch und sofort

Capture receipts immediately

Capture unknown documents immediately without training with a high automation rate.


Low error tolerance

Latest AI architecture specifically trained to minimize errors in business documents.


Controlled Learning

Learns automatically and with quality control with each additional example.


Save time & costs

Faster data entry means faster cost overview with less effort.


Easy integration

Easy integration through REST API, with/without interface, cloud or on-premise.

Want to learn more about document and receipt capture?

Use cases

Document and receipt capture

From our blog…

BLU DELTA AI document and receipt capture

Thousands of companies benefit


Employees unburdened *


Receipts processed *


Receipt information supplied *

*) Figures from 09/30/2022 (period 12 months). On-premise figures are estimated based on information provided by our customers.

Customer opinion

What customers say about BLU DELTA AI

„We benefit from the Blumatix Capture solution in many ways. Blumatix convinced us with a lot of understanding not only for our current problem, but also because the team of experts showed us new ways of process optimization. We see this as a big plus for our cost reduction goals in the coming years. In addition to the competent and motivated team, the solution developed by Blumatix is also a state-of-the-art and secure solution, as the data in the cloud is only used in anonymised form.“

Herbert Wenger
Head of Product Management Automotive Smart Finance at Porsche Informatik

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